cz sk en de pl

Extrudery pro výrobu třívrstvé bublinkové fólie, možnost laminace

In price included:
instalinstallation and staff training
electro installation and mechanical part protection is made to meet all EU standards
service and warranty ensured by our service team
cooling unit with forced circulation
pneumatic shaft for winding on paper cores
all strategic parts ensured by reputable supplierss

 Model:  3PE 1000 3PE 1200   3PE 1500  3PE 1800 3PE 2000 
 Screw diameter:  60 mm, 50 mm  65 mm, 55 mm  75 mm, 60 mm  85 mm, 65 mm  95 mm, 75 mm
 Power of the main motor:  15 kW, 7,5 kW  15 kW, 11 kW  18,5 kW, 15 kW  30 kW , 15 kW  37 kW, 18,5 kW
 Width of the final product:  600 mm  1200 mm  1500 mm  1800 mm  2000 mm
 Productivity:  80 kg/h  100 kg/h  150 kg/h  180 kg/h  220 kg/h
 Total power:  86 kW  95 kW  112 kW  141 kW  158 kW
 L/D Ratio:  28:1  28:1  28:1  28:1  28:1
 Linear speed:  1000 m/h  1000 m/h  1000 m/h  1000 m/h  1000 m/h

Plánovač trasy

ePoptávka certifikát Certifikace CERTILINE - ČSN EN ISO 9001 2009 stamp_firma